Luma's Entry Into C-14

Hi, I'm Luma! I'm a huge Vocaloid fan, and I love cool internet stuff like neocities. I've actually been on here lurking since about 2018, but didn't bother making a site until a few months ago (well... except for one I made in the 7th grade. The formatting was a mess.)

I am 16! I use they pronouns + a ton of neos. I'm bi and nonbinary, and tend to be blunt and kind of intense about the things I like. I infodump a lot, so I made this site so that way you could all deal with my shit and I get to be annoying about my interests (a totally healthy and mutual relationship!)

Home -> Where you are now!
Interests -> Vocaloid, games, hobbies, anime + manga subsections!
Journal -> Posts, images + diary entries!
Resources -> Stuff I've made or found, labelled and sorted accordingly.
Credits -> Seperate page with all the stuff that isn't mine (99% of this site)
